Clive Mather

Clive Mather is the Chairman of Tearfund. Tearfund is an evangelical Christian relief and development agency, mobilising a global network of local churches to help eradicate poverty. Through its disaster relief capacity, it is able to bring front line emergency help to those communities ravaged by war, earthquake or other calamaties. Haiti is a prime example in 2010. Through its advocacy, Tearfund highlights the impact of climate change, injustice and corruption on those least able to cope. It calls governments and global institutions to account, arguing for concerted global action and a fairer allocation of resources to meet the needs of the poor and oppressed.

He is the Chairman of Iogen Corporation, a Canadian bio-technology company specialising in enzyme technology and based in Ottawa. Iogen is the leading producer of cellulsic ethanol.

He is Chairman of the Shell Pensions Trust Ltd, one of the few major defined benefit pension funds in the UK still open to members. The Trust oversees the investment and management of the Shell Contributory Pension Fund, providing benefits for some 45,000 active and retired members of Royal Dutch Shell in the UK.

In July 2009 he was appointed as one of the 12 members of the Premier's Council for Economic Strategy in Alberta.

He also serves on the Royal Anniversary Trust, the Council of The Garden Tomb (Jerusalem) Association, and the advisory board of the Relationships Foundation, all in the United Kingdom.

In April 2011 he was appointed a Director of Badger Explorer, ASA in Norway.

Mather is a former employee of Royal Dutch Shell.He joined Shell in the United Kingdom 1969 and retired in 2007. His career included assignments in Brunei, Gabon, South Africa, the Netherlands, Canada and the UK where he was Chairman of Shell UK Limited between 2002 and 2004. His last position was as President and CEO of Shell Canada Ltd based in Calgary, prior to its take over by Royal Dutch Shell Limited.

Mather was formerly Chairman of the UK Government/Industry CSR Academy, Deputy Chairman of the Windsor Leadership Trust and Chairman of the IMD Business Advisory Council in Switzerland. He has held a number of public appointments in the UK including Commissioner for the Equal Opportunities Commission, Chairman of the Petroleum Employer’s Council and Chairman of the Lambeth Education Action Zone.

Mather was educated at Warwick School and Lincoln College, Oxford. He is a Companion of the Chartered Management Institute and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He writes and speaks on leadership, the environment and energy internationally.

Evangelical Alliance speech

In October 2004 Mather gave a speech to the Evangelical Alliance in London entitled “Trust: Whose business is it” [1] during which he said “Meticulous compliance with all the new regulations is a must, but will not be enough. We have to try harder; we have to set the highest standards in everything we do, because trust is essential to our business.”

Relationships Foundation

Mather has been involved with the Relationships Foundation to whom he has said "Concern for relationships is a vital part of sustainable development – whether economic, environmental or social - and must feature in political debate and decision making".
